Hoo haa the Pope's in town...
Not exactly a rhyme but it works. So I have nothing to say about the pope being in town. More specifically Sydney. Not Melbourne. So don't care. I was tempted to call this a political stunt. In retrospect it probably is, from what angel, not sure. Mais, je sais pas. All I know is, he'll probably be gone in about 10 years good old-literally-Pope Benedict but I better stop before someone accuses me of blasphemy. God knows we wouldn't want that eh.
What's up eh? So lets see. Got my results back. Below par. So don't want to talk bout it. Watched Kung Fu Panda, pretty good. Ah, watched The Happening and Shyamalan my good friend, I love his shit but boy has he got it all wrong. I mean conceptually it's pretty sound but a lawnmower on human flesh with all it's grittiness, some discretion would be great I guess. Mamma Mia! boy where do I start. One would expect that in filming a musical film the cast would comprise of people who could actually SING. Pierce Brosnan CANNOT SING. Period. No two ways bout it. He practically KILLED SOS. And Collin Firth also CAN'T SING. Who gives a flying who-ha if he was in Bridget Jones. They should thank their very lucky stars-whoever they are-that Meryl Streep was in the flick. Besides the scenery-very beautiful scenery might I say-and the Meryl Streep-"the" cause she's Meryl Streep-the film fails in comparison with the musical.
Alas, I'm not cut out to be a critic.
Uni's in a couple of weeks. And one can probably tell that I have absolutely nothing to blog about. More appropriately phrased there's just too much to talk about and I can't be bothered blogging. Whichever suits one's perception of me.
"If god did not exist it would be necessary to invent him" says Voltaire. 200 years on nothing can be truer.