Monday, March 17, 2008


Jia lak.

Uni freaking rules man!

Since uni started I have:

  1. Used up nearly a reel's worth of paper printing a whole lot of shit.
  2. Somehow or another caused my com to crash.
  3. Read
  4. Read
  5. Math
  6. Math
  7. Math
  8. Math
  9. MATH!!!!!!!

On a lighter note, did you know that Hugh Hefner at one point of his life had 7 girlfriends? What would you do with 7 girlfriends? Why would you want 7 girlfriends at one time anyway? I suppose its different for him. The querks of being Hugh Hefner eh. I'm sure I have more to say besides "Geez he's Hugh Hefner so its fine for him to have 7 girlfriends" but honestly I'm way too tired to think.

And all I CAN think about at the moment is GST and whether to clasify it under payables or receivables and whether its an asset or liability and how to prepare a fanancial statement. And how a perfectly competative market fails and what are the externalities which cause market failiure. And how Dworkin's take on liberalism compares to the so called accepted views of liberalism and how/if it deffers to conservetism. And how Locke's theory on property compares to Machiavelli's take on power and ownership. How institutions effect polity and why. How the classical view of democracy is applied to a republic/monarchy. And...math which is not worth mentioning cause we'd just run out of space.

And I'm in the 3rd week. Joy. No I haven't meet any cute guys Beve thus I can't give you their numbers. The faculty is so big anyway, its hard to make contact. Ah excuses eh.

I want to play golf. I want a new set of irons. I want a Gibson les paul. I need to study. *sigh*