Monday, May 14, 2007


Ever felt like you were doomed? Not the sudden panic you get when you've forgotten
something, nothing like that, rather the realisation that you're just utterly doomed, period, nothing you can do about it. And you just count the seconds, unwilling but all knowing. Its like the calm before the storm, you wait, hoping, for the best but undoubtedly knowing the inevitable fact that must nay will happen. Hope is vain. How misleading the calm is, toying with us. Sucks eh.

Rough week this one, 3 SAC's 3 tests. Tiring. I think I'ma go back to studying, I was gonna blog about Cirque du Soleil, maybe next time.

Mean while.

-a picture of a child dying during the holocaust in WW2.-
O cruel world,
I ask thee but one question,
Why me?

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