Tuesday, May 22, 2007



I eat alot, I admit, I mean when I say I eat a lot, I mean I can its not like I go stuffing myself with food all the time but if you've been around me long enough then one can tell that I eat alot, just look at my size, no secrets how it got there. But today, wow, today was special. Today I ate A LOT!! And I know how much you eat is very subjective but believe me, when I say alot, its alot. Its like when you go to those really cheap buffets that happend prolly like once a year and the food meh...not really the best but who cares, cause you're hardup on getting your moneys worth. Oh yeah!!! Today was one of those days.

Today was my physics trial and we finished at I think 1.30-ish so what to do. LUNCH!! So 3 of us set off to eat at Pizza Hut. Normally I'm not a big fan but its 10 bucks all you can eat and BELIVE me we ate all we could eat. I went there with prolly like meh, ok all you can eat so what. Damn we ate. We just kept pilling up the food and ate and ate and then ate somemore. Geez we had so much food I think the workers at Pizza Hut got a bit scared of us. Its no wonder everyone who comes here puts on weight. You become so hardup that the buffets only 10 bucks and you're sooo detemined to eat ALL YOU CAN!!! And to tell ya the truth the food..not so great but who cares. Its like your on adrenaline rush so it don't really matter what it tastes like.

I was so stuffed I could hardly walk after I was done. Had to walk around before I headed back home. Damn I'm stuffed. This is prolly my lunch, dinner and breakfast. No...I'll prolly eat again in dinner XD. Ah well, I'll just let the pictures do the talking.

My makan kakies.

I kinda forgot the before shot =S but here's after 2 rounds XD

The ice-cream mmmm...

More ice-cream..

and..more ice-cream

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