Friday, December 21, 2007

I swear people are either falling in 'love' or falling out of 'love'. Its gotta do with the festive season I reckon, and the exams. Meh, for people in the sidelines its just another day.

Besides the mental note, I am bored.


Bored, bored, bored, bored. Bored stiff. I've been watching TV. Thats it. I watch TV like 13 hours a day. Serious shit man. In trying to curb my boredom I've reread the HP Deathly Hollows book which was mildly entertaining for a few days. But now I'm bored again. You know, I never really realised how big an impact the book had on us. I mean, before the 7th book, the HP series was really something to look forward too. Not anymore I guess. And the movie's always below par.

Speaking of movies, I watched Elizabeth: The Golden Age the other day. Not too bad. The first installment wasn't too bad and I like Cate Blanchett. I thought she was just so radiant in the movie. It was as if they portrayed her as a flawed goddess. Meh, go watch it if you want to I don't really care now. So stoned.

Back in a week. Till then.

I want this for Zippo lighter for Christmas. And who says you have to smoke to get one eh?

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