Saturday, June 09, 2007


isit that when a trus is under tension the force acting on a particular point is opposite to the direction of force acting within the trus?

Why isit that I don't know why the force act in the opposite direction?

Why isit colder in the morning than it is at night when the sun comes out in the morning?

Why did The Carpenters ever care if the birds appeared when you(whoever it is) are near?

Why isit when we dilute a solution of alcohol the number of moles of the diluted solution is the same as the original amount of moles contained in the alcohol?

Why do we wake up in the morning sometimes and feel like it's just not worth it?

Why isit easier to say "yes" than it is "no"?

Why is everyone so facinated that Paris Hilton is going to jail when she clearly deserves it?

Why does the KFC chicken in Malaysia tastier than the KFC in Australia?

Why isit called Hungry Jacks in Australia and Burger King everywhere else?

Why does it have to be Jack and not Jill?

Why do I have more acquaintances than I do friends?

Why did the chicken cross the road? Seriously?

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