Wednesday, September 06, 2006

HELLO PEOPLE OF THE UNIVERSE!!!!!! hehe...So i've been around stoning as usual lately and i just realised that no one visits my site a few souls, noone actually visits my blog anymore nowadays. I feel sad. Either that or you guys just drop by and refuse to tag, therefore i ask you aquestion, is it so hard to tag?? Just write a few words, even a simple hello would do, its not like your gonna write an entire essay.

It rained again today, and i didn't go to tuition agian today. Honestly, i dunno why i'm taking tuition classes anymore. Its not like i really need them. But i suppose if you've been taking tuition classes since standard 3 it kinda kicks in as a necessity. So i got a new pencil box. Well actually i got it sometime ago. To some of you this seems rather trivial, but i must tell you that i haven't changed my pencil box since i was in darjah 5. An extraordinarily long life for a pencil box eh. I just don't see the point in changing something that works. I mean, it works, why change it. Besides i've grown rather fond of my pencil box. Come to think of it, it has been through UPSR, PMR and (well pretty soon neways) SPM. Hah..take that you pencil box junnkies who change your pencil box so often that you spend more money on them then your underwear!!! I wonder if theres a place where they have professional pencil box let me know if you find one.But inevitably, i will change my pencil box. I'm just waiting for the right moment, a significant moment, almost life-changing, like a tornado to hit my house, or maybe Bill Gates to give me a gazillion bucks. At this rate i'm gonna have to wait till my pencil box disintegrates and turns all powdery and stuff, but hey..ya never know.

So thats pretty much 10 mins break is almost over and i'ma go back to bio now.So..till next time....

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